Sunday, January 15, 2012

someone I knew

I used to write poetry. Blank verse, stream-of-consciousness types of things.

This may be a little obvious, given the existence of this blank verse, stream-of-consciousness poetry blog.

But the emphasis here was on "used to." I used to write poetry.

Throughout my lifetime, there are a lot of things and a lot of people I used to be. I used to be a tomboy and hate clothing and want nothing more than to mock sword-fight with boys four years younger than me all day. I used to refuse to wear the color pink. I used to hide in my room and sing, "No Good Deed," (of Wicked fame) when I was upset at my mother or at life.
And then I used to be a college student. I was actually not a very good college student, where I went. I almost got kicked out a couple of times. I used to be in love.
Now, I have a job in my field that I love. I have some drama in my romantic life that I wish would go away. (The drama. NOT the romance. The drama needs to go away to make room for the romance, actually.) And I have a life of my own, that I have created for myself and am working toward. that's pretty great.

but I wonder, in another year or two or three, who I will say that I "used to be"?