Friday, December 12, 2008


Fingers grasp purple school notebook
filled with sketches and drawings
most would characterize as "modern art"

Purple is her favorite color
like it is mine

She said, "I don't play an instrument,"
when everyone else
said that they did

She told me about her boyfriend and school
with more to say about the first topic
than the latter

She always wears a thin black t-shirt
with the design of three strands of pearls
printed on like a necklace

She tries to be so old
and her eyes
don't look like those of an eighth grader
but of someone
who's seen much, much more

Skinny, like a toothpick
and really pretty
except the lines she hides on her arms
make me want to cry.

Taylor and Mattie looked at each other two weeks ago
before prayer. "We have a friend who's started cutting," Mattie said
and we offered our requests up to God.

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